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QLEADER command

The QLEADER command is used to create leaders and leader annotations Command Access: Command : QLEADER Command Prompts: Specify first leader point, or [Settings]: Specify next point:Specify text width<0>:Enter first line of annotation text :... Read More

QDIM command

The QDIM command is used to create a series of dimensions for selected objects quickly. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > QDIMMenu : Dimension > Quick DimensionCommand : QDIM Command Prompts: Associative dimension priority =... Read More

PURGE command

The PURGE command is used to remove the unused items of graph, such as block definitions and layers. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > Drawing Utilities > Purge...Menu : File > Drawing Utilities > Purge...Command : PURGE Function... Read More


The PROPERTIES command is used to control the existing objects properties. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > PropertiesMenu : Modify > PropertiesCommand : PROPERTIESShortcut : select the object and right click, click the ... Read More

POLYGON command

The POLYGON command is used to create closed equilateral polygon. POLYGON command is used to create closed equilateral polygon. Ribbon : Home > Draw > Polyline > PolygonMenu : Draw > PolygonCommand : POLYGON Command Prompts: Enter number... Read More

PFACE command

The PFACE command is used to create 3D polyface meshes by each vertex. Command Access: Command : PFACE Command Prompts: Specify location for vertex 1:As vertex.2or specify locationAs vertex.3or specify locationEnter the number of vertex or [Color... Read More

PEDIT command

The PEDIT command is used to edit polylines and 3D polygon meshes. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > PEDITMenu : Modify > Object > PolylineCommand : PEDITShortcut : select the polyline to be edited, right click and select "Polyline... Read More

OSNAP command

The OSNAP command is used to set object snap modes. Command Access: Menu: Tools > Drafting SettingsStatus bar: Object SnapCommand : OSNAPShortcut : F3Shortcut : Press SHIFT key and right-click; select "Osnap Settings…" Command Description: Users... Read More

Results 211 - 220 of 899