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DONUT command

The DONUT command is used to create a solid circle or a wide ring. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > Polyline > DonutMenu : Draw > DonutCommand : DONUT Command Prompts: Specify inside diameter of donut <0.5000>:Specify outside... Read More

COLOR command

The COLOR command is used to specify the color of new object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Properties > ColorMenu : Format > ColorCommand : COLOR ('color for transparent use) (display Select Color dialog box), -COLOR (display command... Read More

CIRCLE command

The CIRCLE command is used to create a circle. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > CircleMenu : Draw > CircleCommand : CIRCLE Command Prompts: Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr/Arc/Multiple/Concentric]: Relative Glossary:... Read More

CHPROP command

The CHPROP command is used to change the properties of an object. Command Access: Command : CHPROP Command Prompts: Select objects:Property to change: [Color/Elevation/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness]: Relative Glossary: Color: Change the... Read More


The CHANGETEXT command is used to when there are several texts in the drawing which need to be modified, it would be much more tedious and inefficient to modify them one by one. Change text allows users make bulk modifications to several texts. For... Read More

CHANGE command

The CHANGE command is used to change the properties of existing objects. Command Access: Command: CHANGE Command Prompts: Select object: Specify change point or [properties]: Function Description: The properties contain location, size, color,... Read More

BATTMAN command

The BATTMAN command is used to manage the attribute of specified block. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Block > Manage AttibutesMenu : Modify > Object > Attribute > Block Attribute ManagerCommand : BATTMAN Function description: The... Read More

Results 191 - 200 of 1224