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PICKBOX system variable

Function Description: The PICKBOX system variable is used to set the target height of object selection in pixes. Type : Integer Saved in : Registry Initial value : 3 Note: if specified PICKBOX to be 0, the preview of object selection is unavailable. Read More

UNDO command

The UNDO command is used to give up the effect of operations. Command Access: Command : UNDO Command Prompts: Enter the number of operations to undo or [Auto/Control/BEgin/End/Mark/Back]<1>: Function Description: In the command prompt line, it... Read More

U command

The U command is used to quit the latest operation. Command Access: Menu : Edit > Undo Command : U Shortcut : CTRL+Z Function Description: Users could input a U to get back one step. They could also input many times to get to the beginning of... Read More


The REGENAUTO command is used to control regeneration of drawings automatically. Command Access: Command : REGENAUTO Command Prompts: Import mode [ON/OFF] : Function Description: ON:If there are forbidden operations of regeneration in queue, it will... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 38