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GRAPHSCR command

The GRAPHSCR command is used to switch from text dialog box to drawing area. Command Access: Command : GRAPHSCR Function Description: User could press F2 to open and close a text dialog box. This command is ignored in double-screen system. Read More

RECOVER command

The RECOVER command is used to recover damaged graphic file and re-open it. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > Drawing Utilities > Recover...Menu : File > Drawing utilities > RecoverCommand : RECOVER Function Description: This... Read More

QNEW command

The QNEW command is used to create a new graph from specified graph template. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > NewMenu : File> NewDimensionCommand : QNEW Function Description: This command could create new graphs from graph template... Read More


The DRAWORDER command is used to change the drawing order of graph or other objects. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Draw Order > Bring to frontCommand : DRAWORDER Command Prompts: Select object:Enter object ordering option [Above objects/Under... Read More

Create Multiline Text

A multiline text (MTEXT) object includes one or more paragraphs of text that is manipulated as a single object. You can create mtext in the In-Place Text Editor or an alternative text editor, you can also insert text from a file. The In-Place Text... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 18