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FONTALT system variable

Function Description: The FONTALT system variable is used to specify the alternate text for the text file which could not be located. Type : Real Saved in : Registry Initial value : simplex.shx It displays "Alternate Font" dialog box when a drawing... Read More

Use Text Style

When you add TEXT to a drawing, the current text style will be used. The text style determines the font, size, angle, orientation and other text characteristics. Every drawing has a default text style, which is named Standard. The Standard style can... Read More

Adjust Character

When the texts are mixed with Chinese characters, English letters and Arabic numerals, because of the definition of font types, the text height will be different and the visual effect is not good. You can use this function to match the text height,... Read More

Text Outline

Text Outline function will split more thoroughly, after processing, texts are no longer words, but lines. When editing single line fonts, precision can be set to 1, set to higher numerical will make text warp, using true type font from operating... Read More

STYLE command

The STYLE command is used to create, modify or specify the text style. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Annotation >STYLE Menu : Format > Text Style ...Command : STYLE Function Description: Inputting "-style" under the command prompt, it... Read More

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