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The DIMLINEAR command is used to create a linear dimension. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > Dimension > LinearMenu : Dimension > LinearCommand : DIMLINEAR Command Prompts: Specify first extension line origin or <... Read More

DIMARC command

The DIMARC command is used to create an arc length dimension. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension> Dimension > Arc LenMenu : Dimension > Arc LengthCommand : DIMARC Command Prompts: Select arc or polyline arc segment::Specify... Read More


The CHANGETEXT command is used to when there are several texts in the drawing which need to be modified, it would be much more tedious and inefficient to modify them one by one. Change text allows users make bulk modifications to several texts. For... Read More

BVSHOW command

The BVSHOW command is used to make objects visible in current state or in all states. Command Access: Command : BVSHOW Command Prompts: Select objects to make visible:Select object: Function Description: This command could only be used in block... Read More

BSAVEAS command

The BSAVEAS command is used to save a copy of current block definition with a new name. Command Access: Command : BSAVEAS Function Description: This command could only be used in block editor. Users could input a new name in "Save Block As" dialog... Read More

Results 281 - 290 of 344