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REGENALL command

The REGENALL command is used to regenerate the drawing and refresh all viewports. Command Access: Menu : View > Regen AllCommand : REGENALL Command Prompts: Regenerating model. Function Description: This command could regenerate the whole drawing... Read More

REGEN command

The REGEN command is used to regenerate the whole drawing from the current viewport. Command Access: Menu : View > GegenCommand : REGEN Command Prompts: Regenerating model. Function Description: This command could regenerate the whole drawing from... Read More

PREVIEW command

The PREVIEW command is used to preview drawings that need to be printed. Command Access: Ribbon : Export > Plot > PreviewMenu : Application menu > Print... > Print PreviewMenu : File > Plot PreviewCommand : PREVIEW Function Description... Read More

LTSCALE command

The LTSCALE command is used to set the linetype scale of the whole drawing. Command Access: Command : LTSCALE Command Prompts: Enter new linetype scale factor: <1.0000>: Command Prompts: Changes of linetype scale will lead to drawing... Read More

LOCKUP command

The LOCKUP command is used lock the drawing into a whole block. You can't explode it or modify the objects of the original drawing. It is a good way to prevent others from modifying the drawing. Command Access:  Command Entry: LOCKUP Menu :... Read More

Results 71 - 80 of 129