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REGEN command

The REGEN command is used to regenerate the whole drawing from the current viewport. Command Access: Menu : View > GegenCommand : REGEN Command Prompts: Regenerating model. Function Description: This command could regenerate the whole drawing from... Read More

FLATSHOT command.

The FLATSHOT command you can create a 2D representation of all 3D objects based on the current view. The edges of all 3D solids, surfaces, and meshes are projected line-of-sight onto a plane parallel to the viewing plane. The 2D representations of... Read More

BVSHOW command

The BVSHOW command is used to make objects visible in current state or in all states. Command Access: Command : BVSHOW Command Prompts: Select objects to make visible:Select object: Function Description: This command could only be used in block... Read More

BSAVE command

The BSAVE command is used to save current block definition. Command Access: Command : BSAVE Function Description: This command could only be used in block editor. It could save all changes of current block definition. Read More

Results 51 - 60 of 101