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3DCORBIT command

The 3DCORBIT command is used to continuously rotate 3D objects. Command Access: Ribbon : View >Navigate 2D>Continuous OrbitMenu : View >Orbit >3D Continuous OrbitCommand : 3DCORBITShortcut : Start any 3D navigation command, right-click... Read More

Draw Lines

You can use the LINE command to generate one or a series of continuous line segments. Each segment is a separate line object, you can assign properties such as COLOR , LINETYPE and lineweight (LWEIGHT) to each line. If you want to connect the... Read More

Change Character

This function can continuously revise multiple text objects, single line and Mtext are applicable. Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Change Character Command Entry : CHGTXT Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select the text to be... Read More

QDIM command

The QDIM command is used to create a series of dimensions for selected objects quickly. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > QDIMMenu : Dimension > Quick DimensionCommand : QDIM Command Prompts: Associative dimension priority =... Read More


The PDFIMPORT command allows you to import the objects from a PDF file as editable objects.You can access the Import PDF from File-Import-PDF, you can input PDFIMPORT command or click Insert Tab- Import Panel-PDF Import. Command Access : PDFIMPORT ... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 174