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Line to Pline

This function can convert one or multiple connected straight line (s), arc (s) to one polyline . You can access it from: Menu : Express tools>Draw>Line to Polyline Command Entry : Line2pl After starting the command, a prompt message will be... Read More

Text Outline

Text Outline function will split more thoroughly, after processing, texts are no longer words, but lines. When editing single line fonts, precision can be set to 1, set to higher numerical will make text warp, using true type font from operating... Read More

Change Block Linewidth

This function can modify block linewidth quickly. Menu: Express>Blocks>Change Block Linewidth Command Entry: bChgWid Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Input a new line width value. 3.Select block objects, for which the line widths need... Read More

Create Multiline Text

A multiline text (MTEXT) object includes one or more paragraphs of text that is manipulated as a single object. You can create mtext in the In-Place Text Editor or an alternative text editor, you can also insert text from a file. The In-Place Text... Read More

Draw Multilines

Multiline objects are created by using the MLINE command. A multiline is composed of 1-16 parallel lines (two lines by default). The STANDARD style for drawing a multiline has two elements. You can create new styles and modify their definition by... Read More

Outline Objects

OUTLINE command is another innovative tool of GstarCAD 2017. This tool allows extract the outline shape of selected closed objects in a window selection method. This outlined shape is in fact a polyline object created on the current layer that you... Read More

Results 251 - 260 of 674