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Free Scale

  Command name: FREESCALE FREESCALE command scales an object without restrictions under three modes; Non-Uniform, Rectangle and Free.  The Non-uniform scale allows to scale X and Y coordinate axis separately. The RectScale allows to scale an... Read More

How to modify objects with non-uniform scale?

Just using a simple tool. In the drawing below, if you notice blue cloud area, you can see that the columns or pillars do not fit in width with the long narrow balcony. By the way the columns are block objects. Do not worry; there is an effective... Read More

Drawing Scale

You can set the drawing scale before drawing, when you are using other tools (for example "Line Such as Chord" and "Modify Line width"), our software will adjust the scale automatically   Menu : Express > GstarCAD Tools > Drawing... Read More

FONTALT system variable

Function Description: The FONTALT system variable is used to specify the alternate text for the text file which could not be located. Type : Real Saved in : Registry Initial value : simplex.shx It displays "Alternate Font" dialog box when a drawing... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 46