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Select Filter

Select, edit, and name filters for object selection. Menu : Express>Selection>Select Filter Command Entry : Filter 1. X, Y, Z ParametersDefines additional filter parameters depending on the object. In the filter parameters, you can use... Read More

Dimstyle Import

Imports named dimension styles from a DIM file into the current drawing. Menu : Express>Dimension>Dimstyle Import Command Entry : DIMIM Executing this command, starts the following dialog box : Import Filename Names the file you want to import... Read More

Update Dimension

Updates any other dimension(s) to the current dimension style you want to apply. Menu: Express>Dimension>Update Dimension Command Entry: DIMUPDATE Command line prompts as follows: Select a dimension for standard: Select a dimension as a base... Read More

Change Dimension Text

Change the dimension content into the specified value Menu : Express>Dimension>Change Dimension Text Command Entry : CHGDIMTXT Command line prompts as follows: Select dimension objects: Select a dimension Currently label content <129.9>,... Read More

Delete Annotation

Sometimes we need to add annotations to our drawings, it is more convenient to edit and manage annotations that are in one special layer. This function is based on this kind of circumstance, you can select one text annotation to be deleted , our... Read More

Results 901 - 910 of 1701