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EXTEND command

The EXTEND command is used to extend object and make it connect with other object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > Trim > ExtendMenu : Modify> ExtendCommand : EXTEND Command Prompts: Current settings: Project=UCS, Edge=NoneSelect... Read More

EDGESURF command

The EDGESURF command used to create a three-dimensional polygon mesh. Command Access: Menu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes > Edge Mesh Command entry : EDGESURF Command Prompts: Select the first of four connected entities for edge surface: You... Read More


The DISTANTLIGHT command is used to create a parallel light. Command Access: Menu : View > Render> Light > New Distance LightCommand : DISTANTLIGHT Command Prompts: Specify light direction FROM<0, 0, 0> or [Vector]: Specify light... Read More


The DIMORDINATE command is used to create ordinate dimensions. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > Dimension > OrdinateMenu : Dimension > OrdinateCommand : DIMORDINATE Command Prompts: Specify feature location:Specify leader... Read More

DIMEDIT command

The DIMEDIT command is used to edit dimension text and extension line. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > Oblique Menu : Dimension > ObliqueCommand : DIMEDIT Command Prompts: Enter type of dimension editing [Home/New/Rotate... Read More

DIMARC command

The DIMARC command is used to create an arc length dimension. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension> Dimension > Arc LenMenu : Dimension > Arc LengthCommand : DIMARC Command Prompts: Select arc or polyline arc segment::Specify... Read More


The DIMANGULAR command is used to create angular dimensions. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation >Dimension > AngleMenu : Dimension > AngleCommand : DIMANGULAR Command Prompts: Select arc, circle, line or <specify vertex>:Specify... Read More

Results 91 - 100 of 1479