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The SHADEMODE command is used to set the visual style for current viewport. Command Access: Command : SHADEMODE Command Prompts: [2dwireframe/3dwireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Other]: Function Description: Note: to show the light emitted from... Read More

REGION command

The REGION command is used to convert objects in closed area into region objects. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > RegionMenu : Draw > RegionCommand : REGION Command Prompts: Select objects: Function Description: The 2D region objects... Read More

PEDIT command

The PEDIT command is used to edit polylines and 3D polygon meshes. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > PEDITMenu : Modify > Object > PolylineCommand : PEDITShortcut : select the polyline to be edited, right click and select "Polyline... Read More

MLEADER command

The MLEADER command is used to create an object with a multileader. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Leader > MultileaderMenu : Dimension > MultileaderCommand : MLEADER Command Prompts: Specify leader arrowhead location or [leader... Read More

FLATSHOT command.

The FLATSHOT command you can create a 2D representation of all 3D objects based on the current view. The edges of all 3D solids, surfaces, and meshes are projected line-of-sight onto a plane parallel to the viewing plane. The 2D representations of... Read More

EXPLODE command

The EXPLODE command is used to explode compound object into components. Command Access: Menu : Modify > ExplodeCommand : EXPLODE Command Prompts: Select object: Function Description: The block, polyline and region could be exploded. Users could... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 41