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Modify Text

All text objects can be moved (MOVE) , rotated (ROTATE), deleted and copied (COPY) just like any other objects. You can also edit the contents of the created text objects. Modify single line text There are two ways for the singe line text... Read More

Define Hatch Boundaries

You can select an object to HATCH or fill, or specify an internal point to define a boundary. A hatch boundary or enclosed area can be formed with any combination of objects like LINE , ARC , CIRCLE and polylines (PLINE). Only objects that are in... Read More

Modify Polylines

To change the shape of polyline (PLINE) objects or to join separate polylines, you can access editing operations of PEDIT . Polylines can be edited by closing and opening them, or moving, adding and deleting vertices. Joined Polyline Segments If a... Read More

Edit Groups

Create Groups A GROUP  is a saved set of objects. You can name the groups that you build and add a description for it. Copies of the group will be given the default name as is *Ax and is considered unnamed. .Nested groups can also be ungrouped to... Read More

Results 181 - 190 of 367