Breakline Symbol

Creates a polyline and inserts the breakline symbol. The options within this command are provided to control the relative size and appearance of the breakline symbol and an extension of the polyline beyond the selected start and end points.

Menu : Express tools>Draw>Breakline Symbol

Command Entry : BREAKLINE

Once start the command, the command line prompts as follows:

Block = BRKLINE.DWG, Size = 1.000, Extension = 1.250 .

Specify first point for breakline or [Block/Size/Extension/sPecify line for breakline]: Specify a point, or enter options

specify first point for breakline


Specify first point for breakline: Draws break line through specifying its start point and end point.

determines the block to be used as the breakline symbol

Block: Determines the block to be used as the breakline symbol.

Enter the block name for breakline symbol <BRKLINE.DWG>: Enter a block name and press ENTER or press ENTER.

If you press ENTER directly, the saving path of the break symbol file will be displayed on the command line.

Determines the size of the breakline symbol

Size: Determines the size of the breakline symbol.

Breakline symbol size <1>: Specify the size of the breakline symbol

Specify the size of the breakline symbol

Extension: Determines the length of the line extension beyond selected points.

Breakline extension distance <1.25>: Specify the extension distance. Once the start point for the break line or the setup break symbol is assigned , the command line prompts as follows:
Specify second point for breakline: Specify a point

specify the extension distance

Specify location for break symbol <Midpoint>:Specify the point on the line segment to specify the location of the breakline symbol, or press ENTER to use the midpoint of the line.

Article ID: 2684
Created: December 1, 2021
Last Updated: December 1, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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