Attach Leader to Annotation

Attach leader line to Mtext, tolerance, or block reference object.

Menu : Express>Dimension>Attach Leader to Annotation

Command Entry : QLATTACH

Select Leader: Select a leader

Select a dimension: Select the Mtext, tolerance, or block reference object for the annotation

Usage Example:

Select a leader, and then specify the Mtext object to attach.

Separate leader line and Mtext objects:

Separate leader line and Mtext objects

Leader line with mtext attached as one object:

Leader line with mtext attached as one object

At the Select Leader: prompt, you will be prompted until you select a leader object or abort the command. At the Select Annotation: prompt, you will be prompted until you select an MText, Tolerance, or Block Reference object for the annotation.
If attachment is successful, the tail of the leader will jump to the default attachment point of MText or Tolerance annotation. If the angle is appropriate a hook line will appear.

If you wish to attach to a Block Reference, you should move the leader endpoint to where you want it before you execute qlattach. The leader will not move, and you will see no immediate visual feedback that the leader was successfully attached.






Article ID: 2660
Created: November 15, 2021
Last Updated: November 15, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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