Make R Text

We can use RText function to display the content of a text file or the calculation results of a DIESEL expression in the drawing.

Menu : Text > Make RText

Command Entry : RTEXT

Operation steps:

1.Start the command and command line prompts as below.


r text command



Style: Select a text style.

Height: Specify a text height.

Rotation: Specify a rotation value.

File: Use an external text file.

Diesel: Use DIESEL code.

2.Capital letters "S", "H" or "R" are used to set text style, text height, text rotation; If you enter "F", a dialog box will pop up and you can select a text file(*.txt) as RText display object. While the content of text file is changing, the RText is also changing automatically; If you select "Diesel" and a dialog box will pop up as below, the calculation results of a DIESEL expression can be displayed in the drawing.


edit r text dialog box


3.Input Diesel expression, here for example we input $(getvar, "dwgprefix")$(getvar, "dwgname") as shown below. The expression means to get current path.


edit r text dialog box 2


4.Select insertion point to insert RText object.

5.Finish creating RText object, as shown below.


Finish creating RText object



Article ID: 2634
Created: November 11, 2021
Last Updated: November 11, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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