Define Attributes

An attribute (ATTDEF) is a flag or label that attaches data to a BLOCK . Attribute (ATTDEF) stores the characteristics include the tag, the prompt, value information, text formatting, location and optional modes (Invisible, Constant, Verify, Preset, Lock Position, and Multiple Lines).

If you want to use several attributes together, you have to define them and include them in the same block. For example, the attributes "Length," "Width," and "Height," were defined and included in a block called BED. You can specify different value of attributes when you insert the block.

Edit Attribute Definition

You can use the Properties palette or DDEDIT to modify an attribute definition and to make limited changes to an attribute definition before it is associated with a block. You can also edit attribute value after it is associated with a block.

Attach Attributes to Blocks

If you want to attach the attributes to blocks, you first create one or more attributes, then selected them together with gematric objects when you create the block.

Use Attributes Without Attaching Them to Blocks

You can also create stand-alone attributes. After you have defined the attributes and have saved the drawing, you can insert this drawing file as a block into another drawing and you will be prompted for the attribute values.

Article ID: 2514
Created: November 9, 2021
Last Updated: November 9, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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