WEDGE command

The WEDGE command is used to create 3D solid wedges.

Command Access:

Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Box Wedge
Menu : Draw> Modeling> Wedge
Command : WEDGE

Command Prompts:

Specify first corner of [Center]:
Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]:
Specify height or [2Point]:

Function Description:

The incline direction is always along the positive direction of X axis in UCS

autocad command wedge - incline direction along x axis in UCS

If the Z value of the specified other corner point is different to the first specified corner point, it will not display height prompt. When specifying height, inputting a positive value, the wedge height will be created along the positive direction of Z axis in current UCS, on the contrary, it will be along the negative direction.

Relative Glossary:

Center : Specify center to create a wedge.

autocad command wedge - specify center to create a wedge.

Cube : Create an equilateral wedge.

autocad command wedge - create an equilateral wedge.

Length : Create a wedge by its length, width and height. The length is along the X axis direction, the width is along the Y axis direction and the height is along the Z axis direction.

autocad command wedge -create a wedge by its length, width and height.

Cube : Create an equilateral wedge.

autocad command wedge - create an equilateral wedge.

Length : Create a wedge by its length, width and height. The length is along the X axis direction, the width is along the Y axis direction and the height is along the Z axis direction.
2Point : Specify wedge height by distance between two specified points


Article ID: 2440
Created: August 25, 2021
Last Updated: August 25, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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