PLINE command

The PLINE command is used to create 2D polyline. The 2D polyline is a single object composed by straight-line and arc segments.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Home > Draw > Polyline
Menu : Draw > Polyline
Command : PLINE

Command Prompts:

Specify start point:
Current line-width is 0.0000
Specify next point or [Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]:

Function Description:

The 2D polyline is a single plane object that created as segment sequence. It could also be created by straight line segments, arcs or combinations of both.

autocad pline command - 2d single plan

Relative Glossary:

Next point : Draw a line, specify the second point.
Arc : Add arcs to polyline.

Endpoint of arc : Specify the endpoint of arc, it will display last prompt.
Angle : Specify the arc angle from the start point.
              Inputting a positive angle, the arc will be created in anticlockwise direction; inputting a negative angle, the arc will be created in clockwise direction.

Endpoint of arc : Specify the endpoint of arc

autocad pline command - endpoint of arc

Center:  Specify the center of arc.

autocad pline command - end point arc center

Radius : Specify the radius of arc

autocad pline command - radius

Center : Specify center of arc.

Endpoint of arc : Specify the endpoint of arc.
Angle : Specify the arc angle from the start point.
Length : Specify the chord length of specified arc. If the last object is an arc, it will create a new arc tangent with last arc.

autocad pline command -arc length

Close : Create an arc from the last point to the start point and form a close polyline. Users should select at least two points to create a polyline by this option.

autocad pline command -close

Direction : Specify the start direction of arc

autocad pline command - direction

Halfwidth : Specify the width from the segment center of polyline to its edge.

autocad pline command -halfwidth

The halfwidth of start point will be default halfwidth of endpoint. The halfwidth of endpoint will become the sub-sequence default halfwidth for all segments until changed. The start point and the endpoint of wide lines lie in its center.
Typically, it will automatically chamfer crossing point of adjacent segments. However, if arcs are created with sharp angle or by dash dot line or without tangential, they will not be chamfered.
Line : Exit "Arc" option and return to the PLINE command prompt.
Radius : Specify radius of arc.

Endpoint of arc:  Specify the endpoint of arc.
Angle : Specify the arc angle from the start point.

Second pt : Specify the second point and endpoint for "3P" (create arc by 3 points).

autocad pline command - second point

Undo : Remove the recent arc added to polyline.
Width : Specify width of next arc.
The width of start point will be default width of endpoint. The width of endpoint will become the subsequent default width for all segments until changed. The start point and the endpoint of wide lines lie in its center. Typically, it will automatically chamfer crossing point of adjacent segments. However, if arcs are created with sharp angle or by dash dot line or without tangential, they will not be chamfered.

Close : Create line from the last point to the start point and form a close polyline. Users should select at least two points to create a polyline by this option.

autocad pline command -half width close

Specify the width from the segment center of polyline to one of its edge.
The halfwidth of start point will be default halfwidth of endpoint. The halfwidth of endpoint will become the subsequent default halfwidth for all segments until changed. The start point and the endpoint of wide lines lie in its center.
Typically, it will automatically chamfer crossing point of adjacent segments. However, if arcs are created with sharp angle or by dash dot line or without tangential, they will not be chamfered.
Length : Create a line in specified length with the same angle of last line. If the last line is an arc, the new created line will be tangent to it.
Undo : Remove the recent line added to polyline.
Specify width of next line. The width of start point will be default width of endpoint. The width of endpoint will become the subsequent default width for all segments until changed. The start point and the endpoint of wide lines lie in its center. Typically, it will automatically chamfer crossing point of adjacent segments. However, if arcs are created with sharp angle or by dash dot line or without tangential, they will not be chamfered.


Article ID: 2280
Created: August 19, 2021
Last Updated: August 19, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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