The MATCHPROP command is used to apply the properties of selected object to other objects.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Home> Properties > Match Properties
Menu : Modify > Match Properties

Command Prompts:

Select source object: Current active settings: Color Layer Ltype Ltscale Lineweight Thickness PlotStyle Dimension Text Hatch Polyline Viewport Table Material Shadow display Multileader Select Target object or [Setup(S)]:

Function Description:

The main properties contain color, layer, Ltype, Lscale, Lweight, print style, transparency, and others.

autocad command matchdrop

Relative Glossary:

Target object:
Specify the target object to apply the properties of the source object.
Users could control which property to apply on target object by the "Property Settings" dialog box. By default all properties are selected.

Article ID: 2216
Created: August 18, 2021
Last Updated: August 18, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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