MAGECLIP command

The IMAGECLIP command is used to clip a selected image by specified boundary.

Command Access:

Menu : Modify > Clip > Image

Command Prompts:

Select image to clip:
Enter image clipping option [ON/OFF/Delete/New boundary] <New>:
Specify first corner point:
Other corner:

Function Description:

The clip boundary determines the display of images. Users could use the IMAGEFRAME system variable to control the visibility of boundary and specify the boundary in the plane that parallel to image plane.
Relative Glossary:

Turn on the IMAGECLIP and display the image that clipped to the previously specified boundary.

Turn off the IMAGECLIP and display the entire image and frame. If the IMAGECLIP is in OFF states, even the boundary is invisible, it will automatically turn on and prompt users to delete old boundary when clipping image again.

Delete the predefined clipping boundary and display the entire previously image.

New Boundary:
Define a new boundary by a rectangle or polygon or create a polygon clipping boundary by polylines.
Note: users must delete old boundary firstly and then create a new boundary for a specified IMAGE file.

Select polyline:
Define boundary by selected polyline, it could be open but must be straight lines and without self-intersection.
Define clipping boundary by selecting three or more vertices of polygon.
Specify rectangular boundary by specified corner points.
Invert clip:
In the "Invert clip" model, users could clip objects inside or outside of boundary.

Article ID: 2157
Created: August 16, 2021
Last Updated: August 16, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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