The BACTIONSET command is used to specify action selection set associated with an action in a dynamic block definition.

Command Access:


Command Prompts:

Select action object:
Specify selection set for action object [New/Modify] <New>:

Function Description:
This command could be only used in “Block Editor”. Users could redefine associated object selection set by creating a new one or adding or removing objects from existing selection set.

Note: when the BACTIONBARMODE system variable specified to 1, the BACTIONSET command is forbidden.

Relative Glossary:

Specify selection set : Specify selection set for creating a new one or modifying it.
Select object : Specify object to be contained in action.
Remove : Specify object to be removed from selection set, this object is associated with action.
Specify first corner of stretch frame : Specify a frame for stretch boundary.
CPolygon : Specify a cross polygon frame for stretch boundary.
Specify objects to rotate only : Specify objects to rotate rather than stretch.

Article ID: 1985
Created: August 3, 2021
Last Updated: August 3, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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