AUDIT command

The AUDIT command is used to check the integrity of graphic and modify some errors.

Command Access:

Menu : Application Menu >Drawing Utilities > Audit
Menu : File > Drawing Utilities > Audit
Command : AUDIT

Command Prompts:

Fix any errors detected? [Yes/No] :

Function Description:

For convenient visiting, the AUDIT command places all objects with error reports in "last" selecting set, this will have effect on editing objects in current drawing or model space.
Choose "Yes" to check the file and fix any errors that are found automatically. Choose "No" to check the file only.
If the AUDITCTL system variable is set to 1, the AUDIT command creates a text file to describe the problem and measures taken, and saves the text file to the same folder as the audited drawing with a file extension of .adt.
If there are some errors the AUDIT command could not fix, users could use the RECOVER command to retrieval drawing and modify.

Article ID: 1982
Created: August 3, 2021
Last Updated: August 3, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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