Object Snap +

Now within Object Snap tab, you can find a new added option called Distance from Endpoint. This option allows snap a certain distance from any endpoint of objects like line, arc, spline, pline, ellipse arc, mline and any other lines. As long as you pass the cursor over an object from its endpoints, you will see a green snap point at accurate distance.



And within Object Snap tab, you can find a new added option called Divide Segments. This option allows snap the divided segment points of objects like line, arc, spline, pline, ellipse arc, mline and any other lines. Before, if you want to find the divide point, first you need to generate the divided points object, then snap those points to draw. Now as long as you pass the cursor over an object mentioned above, you will see a green snap point at accurate distance.


Article ID: 1021
Created: April 1, 2016
Last Updated: June 29, 2021
Author: kbadmin

Online URL: https://kb.gstarcad.com.my/article/object-snap-1021.html